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  • Stop interest and charges from soaring.
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  • End pressure from the people you owe money to.
What is the total amount of your debt?
£10,000 or more
£6,000 - £10,000
£3,000 - £6,000
£0 - £3,000
What is the total amount of your debt?
£10,000 or more
£6,000 - £10,000
£3,000 - £6,000
£0 - £3,000

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Step 1

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Use our easy online questionnaire to find out how much you can write off.


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Our friendly, experienced team will explain all the available options.

Step 3

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Select the best fit for your circumstances and lifestyle.

Check if you qualify

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There are loads of debt solutions out there. But to truly offer the best debt advice for your circumstances, our policy is to listen and understand your situation first. Only then will we suggest a debt solution that fits. Click on a solution to learn more.

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A Protected Trust Deed is a legally binding debt relief solution available to people living in Scotland with £5,000 or more of unsecured debt.

Find out more


An Individual Voluntary Arrangement, commonly known as an IVA, is a formal, legally binding debt solution between you and the people you owe money to (creditors), generally over a period of five years.

Find out more

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Anyone can get into debt. But sometimes, it takes a bit of help to get out of it. That’s what we’re here for. And here are some of the people we’ve helped.

It was literally the best decision of my life, and it has actually changed my life, cheesy as that sounds, it has changed my life.


The debt write off calculator

Find out if you can write off debt you can't afford.

What is the total amount of your debt?
£10,000 or More
£6,000 - £10,000
£3,000 - £6,000
£0 - £3,000

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When considering your debt level remember to include the following commonly missed debts: HMRC,Rent arrears, Bailiff inforcements and council Tax.

Are you including any of the following commonly missed debts (HMRC,Rent arrears, Bailiff inforcements and council Tax, overdrafts and debts you're currently paying towards)?
What's your employment status?
Zero Hour Contract

Why are we asking this question?

Telling us this allows us to ensure we offer tailored support during the COVID-19 outbreak.

矽典微完成新一轮融资加速射频技术产业化,累计获投资近亿 ...:2021-6-12 · 智能毫米波传感器公司矽典微宣布完成新一轮千万元规模融资。据悉,本轮融资将用于高端人才引进、研发投入、开拓市场伍及支持产品量产运营,加速毫米波系统芯片技术在智能设备上的应用普及。
Not working
None of the above

Why are we asking this question?

Telling us this allows us to ensure we offer tailored support during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Do you work in any of the following industries?
None of these

Why are we asking this question?

Telling us this allows us to ensure we offer tailored support during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Are you in receipt of long-term benefits?

Why are we asking this question?

Telling us this allows us to ensure we offer tailored support during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Do you have a confirmed back to work date for July?

Why are we asking this question?

Letting us know this allows us to help you find a debt relief solution that meets your current needs.

Where do you live?
Northern Ireland

Why are we asking this question?

Telling us your location allows us to offer information about the debt solutions and help available in your area.

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We can help you manage debts with some of the biggest creditors in the UK.

Lowell Logo
British Gas Logo
Barclays Logo
o2 Logo
NatWest Logo